January 29, 2023

Should You Eat Like a Carnivore?

The carnivore diet is a unique dietary approach where an individual only consumes animal products like meat, fish, eggs, and dairy, with a complete ban on plant-based foods. The diet has recently gained popularity as a radical departure from the traditional plant-based diets that many people follow. In this post, we’ll explore the carnivore diet’s pros and cons.


  1. Simple and easy to follow: With only a few food items allowed in the carnivore diet, meal planning and preparation become straightforward.
  2. Promotes satiety: High protein and fat content in animal products can lead to increased feelings of fullness and satisfaction, reducing the likelihood of overeating.
  3. Improved nutrient density: Animal products are a rich source of essential nutrients like vitamins A, D, and B12, calcium, and iron, which are crucial for optimal health.
  4. Potential for improved mental health: Proponents of the carnivore diet argue that removing processed foods and grains from the diet can lead to improved mental clarity and reduced inflammation.


  1. Lack of variety: By restricting the diet to animal products, the carnivore diet may lead to boredom and a lack of variety.
  2. Limited fiber intake: Plant-based foods are the primary source of fiber in a typical diet, and it is hypothesized that eliminating them can lead to digestive issues and constipation.
  3. Potential for nutrient deficiencies: By eliminating entire food groups, some believe the carnivore diet may result in deficiencies in certain nutrients like vitamins C and K, potassium, and magnesium.
  4. High saturated fat intake: The medical community believes consuming large amounts of animal products high in saturated fat can increase the risk of heart disease and other cardiovascular problems. 

Carnivore dieters debate these points.

The diet is a highly controversial approach with strong advocates and detractors. While it may provide some benefits with certain conditions (like autoimmune disorders), it is vital to consider this diet’s potential risks and limitations before trying it. As with any diet, individual consideration is critical, and a whole foods diet will always trump one composed of hyper-processed foods.